Namespace Set


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function add_element(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, element: gtv)
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function add_elements(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, elements: gtv)
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function contains(root_instance: instance, attribute_name: I, value: gtv): boolean
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function contains_all(root_instance: instance, attribute_name: I, values: gtv): boolean
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function create_elements(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, elements: gtv)
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function fetch_range_from(attribute: attribute, value: gtv, from: rowid): list<instance>
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function get_value_as_text(instance: instance, attribute_name: I): text
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function is_empty(instance: instance, attribute_name: I): boolean
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function remove_element(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, element: gtv)
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function remove_elements(instance: instance, attribute_name: I): gtv
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function set_elements(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, elements: gtv)
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function size(root_instance: instance, attribute_name: I): integer
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function T(inner_type: type, value: gtv?): attribute_type
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function unpack(instance: instance, attribute_name: I): (type: type, values: gtv)?
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function unpack_by_attribute(instance: instance, attribute: attribute): (type: type, values: gtv)?
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function update_elements(instance: instance, attribute_name: I, elements: gtv)